How ClearFit Went Viral With Radio
ClearFit had an adequate client base, but lacked the brand name recognition and financial wherewithal of its competitor, making it difficult to compete for bigger business.

How ClearFit Went Viral With Radio
ClearFit had an adequate client base, but lacked the brand name recognition and financial wherewithal of its competitor, making it difficult to compete for bigger business.
Rather than compete on brand name, Howard Stern Radio Network evaluated ClearFit’s strengths over their dominant competitor, basing their campaign on getting the right person for the job rather than simply obtaining a stack of resumes. Discounting cost is only a method to upsell, not establish a brand. So Howard Stern Radio Network’s strategy was to emphasize the value of time which ads were targeted towards: “Give ClearFit 5 minutes, and they guarantee you’ll see how easy hiring can be. Just go to” They had a considerate budget and decided a sponsorship on The Howard Stern Show was the best way to connect with their demographic.

Advertising on The Howard Stern Show, ClearFit saw a significant lift in their overall traffic and more specifically, a 50%+ increase in conversions over other media advertising in its marketing mix. They attributed their Howard Stern sponsorship as an essential component of their success.