How TigerLady Used Shopify On Sirius XM to Boost Sales
A family owned and operated start-up, they were completely self-funded with a limited marketing budget. They reached out to Howard Stern Radio Network and sought to leverage the power of radio personalities.

How TigerLady Used Shopify On Sirius XM to Boost Sales
A family owned and operated start-up, they were completely self-funded with a limited marketing budget. They reached out to Howard Stern Radio Network and sought to leverage the power of radio personalities.
Initially wanting to sponsor The Howard Stern Show, Howard Stern Radio Network suggested a radio host who better matched their budget and desired female demographic – The Stephanie Miller Show. Starting out on Stephanie Miller’s show allowed TigerLady to affordably reach a national audience and scale their business at a reasonable rate.

The sponsorship campaign created by Howard Stern Radio Network were massively successful, launching TigerLady as a national, credible product for women. They surpassed their target goal and had to suspend their campaign to refill inventory.