Advertise on Howard Stern
According to research, the satellite and Howard Stern audience are upscale professionals. 74% of his audience are between 25-54 years of age with an average household income of $160k. 73% Male and 27% female. 34% college graduates, 85% white.

Advertise on Howard Stern
According to SiriusXM research, the satellite and Howard Stern audience are upscale professionals, married, 35 – 44 years old with a household income of approx. $100,000.
How you can reach the Howard Stern Nation
Many Howard Stern sponsors have proven success with high returns, reaching a mass audience and developing their brand.
Through targeted advertising and award-winning creative, your company can greatly increase its ROI when you advertise with the Howard Stern Radio Network.
To become a sponsor of The Howard Stern Show, call 855-STERN12 (855-783-7612) or complete the form on the right side of the page